The Lord’s Work – Part 13


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The Lord’s Work – Part 13

The Lord’s Work – Part 13

Because if you do what the Pharisees do (after their works), which ALL that are in the flesh do ALL their works to look like… ye have no reward.

Matthew 6:1  Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

Their works are not counted good, and they are not rewarded good according to their works. ALL their works (the good ones and the justly motivated ones too!) they do to be seen of men. And by nature, ALL our works that we ALL do are the same: to be seen of men.

Thus all our works are reprobate – false, not true – and unrewarded.

… I didn’t say it.. the Lord did!!

I believe it’s not about their motivation at all. I think it’s only because man’s works CAN be seen of men, and not rather of the Lord only. Because man’s work is BEFORE MEN, and not before the Lord. I think it’s because it is a carnal work, instead of a spiritual work. I think if the works can be seen of men (i.e., if they are fleshly works out of a fleshly heart), they are not TRUE, and thus they are unrewarded. A carnal work does not receive an eternal reward.

Galatians 6:8  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

If you sow to the flesh, you shall of the flesh reap… If you do carnal works, you will have carnal rewards (which will corrupt).

A carnal work, of the flesh, in the flesh, is to be seen of men. It will be rewarded of men, but it will not be rewarded of God. It will be rewarded in this earth, but will not be rewarded in the new earth.

I don’t understand everything, and I have many questions of my own, but this makes sense to me, and I believe this is the truth: All man’s works are to be seen of men, and unrewarded, because they are carnal. I don’t know that I have fully proved this for you Scripturally, but I would say its likely. All their works they do for to be seen of men.

It’s not about the motivation. It’s about the sort of work it be. A carnal work is not a true work. A good work in the flesh is not a true good work.

But I could be wrong. And if I’m wrong about this, no matter how hard it is to believe, it very well could be that every work that an unsaved man does IS motivated to be seen and praised of men, and of self (a man), and not of the Lord only. Maybe, if even a tiny little bit is for to be seen of men, its rejected. Maybe… I know I can’t claim my motivation is ever pure. Maybe all of man’s never is. I don’t know their hearts. I don’t know their entire motivations. Neither do you. Neither do THEY. So if the Lord says it, how can either of us disagree?

Matthew 23:28  Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

These “good works” appear righteous to men (US!).

What about this one here? What about that one there! … all to be seen of men and unrewarded. I didn’t say it, the Lord did.

It’s not because you do bad things. It’s not because you do a good thing but your motivation is evil. It’s because you are bad. You are full of iniquity within. Out of man’s flesh can come (fake) good, but out of his heart comes true evil.

Don’t excuse yourself. This is all of mankind. This is spoken of the very best of mankind, and applies to all of mankind. These were the religious lawyers. Those that dedicated their lives to studying, debating, and teaching religion. Those that lived / appeared as clean as could be, outwardly. This was spoken of Saul, who was, as concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. These weren’t sinners above all men. They were the best of men!

This was spoken in the temple in Jerusalem. This is the last sermon that Jesus gave publicly before his crucifixion. In it, He leaves a very important message for them: Beware of reprobate works – those that are righteous in appearance, but not in truth. Beware of cleaning the outside of the cup (the flesh). You appear righteous to no one but UNTO MEN.

Ephesians 5:11-12  And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.  12  For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

It is not out in the open. It is in secret, it is in heart, it is in spirit, that the works are clearly dark and unfruitful.  In the flesh they look good, but in secret, they are evil.

Proverbs 11:18  The wicked worketh a deceitful work: …

The wicked’s works are not openly evil. They are secretly evil. That’s why you can’t prove a man by works. Openly, before men, their works LOOK good, but they are deceitful. They are deceiving you with their works. And since you are told to prove yourself, if you attempt to prove yourself by works… Your works are deceiving even you! Why are the works deceitful??? Because of where they come from. They come forth from a deceitful heart!

Man’s heart is deceitful!

Jeremiah 17:9  The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

If the heart is deceitful, then its works/fruits are deceitful. Your heart is deceitful. Your own heart is deceiving you. And subsequently your own works are deceiving you!

Jesus said that the things that come out of the heart defile the man. You are being defiled by your own deceitful works. They look good and righteous unto you, but they are defiling you.

Proverbs 11:18  The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.

That’s a big fat BUT! The wicked worketh a deceitful work, BUT the righteous soweth righteousness.

If you are not one that soweth righteousness, then your works are deceitful – fake. They are evil, but with the appearance of good.

You may say, “so if I do a good thing, one selfless good work, sow righteousness one time, I have an eternal reward.”

The answer is Yes. Absolutely true! One TRUE good work gets an eternal reward. But remember:

  • You can’t do both. That is a big fat line. No grey area. That is a great gulf fixed. You can’t get both the reward of a righteous man and of a wicked man. You can’t be both, nor receive both, nor can you do both. You can LOOK like you can do both (to men), but if you can do evil, you can’t do true good.
  • You need to know How! HOW can you sow righteousness, not in appearance, but in truth? Be very careful here – because there are fake ministers of righteousness. Sowing must be done IN THE SPIRIT. One must sow, to the Spirit, not to the flesh.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15  For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.  14  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.  15  Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

A bad guy can look good!! A bad guy can transform, disguise himself! Satan himself appears righteous.

Just like our father the devil, We transform ourselves. Our good works are fake good works, our sowing is sowing FAKE righteousness, sown to the flesh. Our works have the appearance of righteousness, but they are fake, they are deceitful, and they are carnal/fleshly.

The ministers, and pastors, and bishops, and deacons, and elders, and evangelists, and apostles, and reverends, and popes, and cardinals. The Pharisees and Sadducees. They (the best of mankind) look good and righteous. (Of course they do, they believe they must “show their faith by their works”, “prove themselves, by their works” / “justify themselves”, they must “work out their own salvation”!) They look like they have righteousness all figured out. They look like they work the Lord’s works, but it is all deceitful works.

The wicked WILL NOT receive good for their “good works”. Their good works are deceitful – fake. They are an act. They are counterfeit. They are, in truth, evil works.

Look, they do “good works”:

Matthew 7:22  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

They believe they have, in His name, done many wonderful works?!!

You may believe they have too. I do! No one on earth will argue that they do “good works”.

You can make the case that their motivation was wrong, or their evil works counteracted their good ones, or take the stance that I have.

But man won’t say they are not good works. But God will. But they will not be counted good before God.

What’s the answer of God? “Depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

Why? Because they are brought forth out of a wicked heart to be seen of wicked mankind. They’re fleshly!  It will all be shown to be deceitful. It will be exposed as false. It will be proven as FAKE!

I met a very nice, very confused Pastor recently. He got the hard question (murder one) wrong. But yet he taught grace “without a mixture of works”.

He said his works are different now. How? He said, “now my motivation is different.”

Matthew 7:22  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

He will be one of these ^^!

Its not about one’s motivation. “Motive” or “motivation” is not even in the Bible!! And that is how you choose to distinguish yourself from a reprobate?

When it comes down to it, he believes his work is cleaner, purer, better. He believes his heart is more righteous. Indeed, the outside of the cup IS (appears) more righteous and beautiful now…

And yet, he got the hard question wrong. Out of his own mouth, he has the possibility of sin.

And if one is not free from sin, there is the possibility, nay the inevitability of sin. And where there is envying and strife, there is confusion and every evil work. His fruit is eternal death.

A Christian is not “better now”. A Christian is not “better”. A Christian is RIGHTEOUS. All his works are righteousness! A Christian is not mostly good. A Christian is PERFECTED.

And if you don’t get a hold of that, rightly dividing TRUTH: flesh from Spirit,  you’ll be deceived by the works and the doctrine of the world, of the false brethren. I wish he were a true brother, but he was a false brother. He was a deceitful worker.

I work true good works, but that Pastor does not. His works are reprobate.

My works are to be seen of God, and his are to be seen of men.

But not because of our motivations! I’m not better than that Pastor. My motives are not better than his. I’m not a better servant or more trained to deny my fleshly lusts. I’m no less likely to commit murder.

The only difference between us is that I understand something that he does not.

The only difference between us is that I HAVE something that he does not.

The only difference between us is that I have been given a new heart, and he has worked to change his old heart.

The only difference between us is that I am full of something and he is full of something else.

The only difference between us is that my good works are in a place that his are not.

The only difference between us is that I have proved myself by bread. I am approved in the faith by doctrine, while He is completely unaware that his doctrine is leavened.

All his works are IN THE FLESH. He looks good. But he is reprobate. He is a deceitful worker. He is a fraud.

If he truly tried himself against the word of God, tried himself with hard questions, tried himself with the wrath of God, tried himself with bread, tried himself with mercy, grace and faith, if he understood what the word of God says, what the law says, he’d understand that his doctrine is no different than the world’s doctrine, or a Catholic’s doctrine.  He’d understand that he is no better now than before he “came to Christ”. He is the same sinner. His work is the same. He doest the same things! He appears righteous unto men, but shine the true Light (Jesus) on him… heck, even shine the light (the law) on Him, and he is revealed to be… a sinner. He tries to be better, to put away his sins (in the name of the Lord, of course), but he’s just like every other unsaved man: in sin, under the law. If he sins, he dies. He’s in bondage. His “good works” proceed from his own heart, the fleshly heart, and thus they are rejected as FAKE good works. He himself will be found to BE reprobate.

That pastor said, “I agree with everything you are saying, except when you say that I am trusting in my works”. He was nice, clean, loving, neighborly, He appeared righteous.. he just couldn’t see. He couldn’t see the truth of his own doctrine. He couldn’t see himself. Why? He had clothed himself with his works. And then, when he tried himself by his works, and he judged himself to be righteous. He couldn’t identify his own self as a spy.

He was zealous for the Lord, his motivation was pure… at least that is what he told himself and me… but he lacked knowledge (will be destroyed). He was ignorant of his leaven.

I think the Lord led me to him, partly because it educated me, but also partly because of his clean motivation and partly because of his doctrine/teaching. But the Lord led me to him because he was lost, and blind and ignorant of what he really was. The Lord led me to him to open his eyes, to show him his leaven. He didn’t have a lot. Just a little leaven!

We had a good conversation, and shook hands when we parted ways. I hope the Lord opens his eyes and we see him in heaven one day.

The reprobate can appear righteous!