The Election Count – Part 5


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The Election Count – Part 5

The Election Count – Part 5

However, if the commandment is to stop serving the Lord, or to serve idols, or to not preach Jesus, or to in some way directly disobey The Lord, then we should reject the commandment of men, and choose the fear of the Lord over the fear of the king. If put in a situation like Daniel, or like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, don’t be careful to reject man and obey the Lord!

But otherwise, if we are under authorities/masters, and not being commanded to disobey the Lord, we should submit to our masters-rulers.

1 Peter 2:18  Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.

1 Corinthians 7:20-21  Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.  21  Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather.

Art thou a servant? Care not for it! “Slavery is evil!” man says. But the Bible is not against slavery. The Lord is not for us overthrowing our oppressors.

American revolutionaries fought oppressions of British tyranny for freedom, and they got it. But that was not the will of God. That was their will.

African American slaves fought oppressions of their white masters for freedom, and they got it. But that was not the will of God. That was their will. The Bible is not anti-slavery, and there is no Bible justification for fighting against it.

If God brings us into bondage instead of freedom, care not for it! Don’t fight against it.

Whatever authority God puts you under.. be subject! Don’t care about it. Don’t worry about it. If you’re in bondage, the Lord put you there. He knows you are there. He hasn’t forgotten you. And when HE decides to bring you out, you’ll be brought out. Did Israel have to fight to be free of Egypt? Did Israel have to fight to be free of Babylon and Persia?

If we are under a yoke, the Lord put us there. So until He brings us out, be subject!

But if we are free men? If you are free… Use it … to serve the Lord.


In one respect, being born Americans, we have not had the great honor, privilege, to suffer for Christ. We are very unfortunate in that respect.

But in another respect, we are very fortunate to have been born Americans. We live in the most free nation in the world. Maybe in history. We are free to CHOOSE whom we will serve. Joshua said, “but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

The centurion/captain told Paul “with a great sum I obtained this freedom”. Paul responded, “But I was free born.”

The Lord chose Paul for a reason. Paul was a Roman by birth. Paul had rights, protections under the law that most of the world did not have. Paul didn’t have a master. Paul was free to choose who he wanted to serve. By his Roman birth, he was free to travel and preach.

Our worldly birth is not much different than Paul’s. We’ve been given a tremendous blessing, in that we have been made free to preach the gospel. You could have been born any country in the world, at anytime in history. But you were born in the United States of America, with a 1st Amendment of the Constitution, with a Bill of Rights giving you the protected right to speak the gospel freely. Much like Paul, we were born free. We have the freedom to preach the gospel. In one of the largest countries in the world. 330 Million people! We even happen to speak the most popular language in the world. What on open door! What an opportunity, what an ability, what freedom, to preach the gospel, to reach the lost on a massive scale! We’re free born! … Use it!

We like to think this is God’s nation, or at least a Godly nation… that it was founded on Bible principles. But America is not God’s nation, and America’s Bill of Rights was not taken from the law of Moses! Its not made of Bible-based principles.

Is freedom of speech a Godly principle? Was speaking whatever you wanted allowed in Israel? Speaking against God and the king was punishable by death. People died for cursing God! Nebuchadnezzar outlawed cursing The Lord. Wise decision! If you were running a nation today, would the wise thing be to allow complete freedom of speech? No, not if you wanted that nation to succeed. Not if you wanted God’s blessing on it. You wouldn’t allow people to run around cursing God.

Freedom of speech has allowed Christians to preach the truth, but it has also allowed false prophets and false religions to deceive people. Its allowed atheists to curse the name of God. Its allowed schools to teach that we evolved from primates and there is no God. Freedom of speech has made wickedness LAWFUL!

What about freedom of religion? Is that a Bible principle? Was it allowed in Israel? Absolutely not! Witchcraft and idolatry was worthy of death under the law. If you were running a nation today, would the wise thing to be to allow complete freedom of religion? Absolutely not! Not if you wanted God to bless your nation. The wise kings of Israel put out other gods and rid the land of their worshippers/idolaters. Freedom of religion has protected Christians from persecution, but it has also allowed this land to be defiled with idols and witchcraft and Satanism! These “inalienable rights” we believe are so righteous and we hold so dear, are not Bible-based principles.

But… we have them. The wicked are free to be wicked, but.. we are also free to be righteous. The wicked are free to serve sin, but.. we are also free to serve the Lord.

We are free in this country to speak the gospel. So… we ought to USE IT! We have that right, though it may not be assured to you much longer. You are free. You may not be much longer. USE IT!

The Lord chose Paul to bear His name to the Gentiles for a number of reasons. But one of them was his earthly birth. Paul had a greater freedom of speech, a greater open door than others in his time did. And so now, do we. You’ve been elected of God, blessed with an understanding of the word of God, gifted an effective presentation of the gospel by God, and also blessed with an open door from man’s government, a right to speak the gospel! Whether godly or not, you’re free. So USE it, before its gone!

As Christians we ought to obey our government, our judges, officers and authorities. Unless we are commanded by them to directly disobey the Lord, or to not preach Jesus, or to cease from worshipping Him, or to serve other Gods or work witchcraft or the like abominations, we ought to be subject / obey. Pay them their due. Wear what they command you to wear. Obey their regulations on your business.

Unless in direct opposition to Bible obedience and service of God, we ought to obey the authority of men.

But, if and when they are at odds, you know who to obey…

Acts 4:18-20  And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.  19  But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.  20  For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

If your government tells you to put on a mask, do so. Be subject.

If they tell you to pay higher taxes, do so. Be subject.

If they tell you to shut down your business, do so. Be subject.

But if they tell you to not speak or teach in the name of Jesus, you ought to obey God, and not men.

If they tell you to not keep a Bible in your home, or not to attend church with your children, or not to pray to the Lord, or not to teach your children the Bible… We ought to obey God rather than men.

“As much as lieth in you”… but that does not lie in us.  Man shall live by every word of the mouth of God. We cannot live without our daily bread, and neither can the lost sheep which need to be found, which need to be fed.

Acts 5:27-29  And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them,  28  Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us.  29  Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

If you are put in that position, then 1000%, obey God. But if you are not being asked to disobey God, then obey the governments of men that He set over you. They were put in authority over us not by men, but BY GOD.

John 19:10-11  Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee?  11  Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

If you are hurt or injured or mistreated or not given justice by our government, the Lord gave them that power over you. Jesus was mistreated! Jesus was delivered under false accusations to a ruler that (while it wasn’t His personal will) allowed an innocent man to be put to death. And Jesus didn’t fight it!

Not only that, but it seems pretty clear that Pilate was put there just for that purpose! How else could we be saved, but that some wicked man persecuted and killed the righteous!?! The Lord put His Son under that evil authority for His glory and our salvation.

Paul was mistreated. Paul didn’t fight it! (Though when put on trial, Paul gave his defence, his defense was the gospel, including his backstory as a chosen Apostle who was an eye witness of the risen Saviour). The Jews were put under the powers of wicked, heathen kings. The king’s law to Daniel was to not pray to the Lord, or be thrown into the lion’s den. The king’s law to Shadrach Meshach and Abednego was to worship an idol or to be thrown in a burning fiery furnace. The king’s law by Haman to all the earth was to destroy the Jews in one day. God gave them power to make those decrees, persecuting His people for well doing. He allowed kings which He set over His people to persecute them and to make evil laws. And then, when they feared the Lord rather than feared the king, He delivered His people through their persecutions with a great deliverance. In all those case, He brought them out and gave them the power and authority over their enemies! There’s a pattern there my friends.

I feel that this COVID-19 Pandemic is as much a work of Satan as any natural accident of nature or any work of man. Satan may have developed this virus himself. Its possible.. This pandemic is about much more than giving power to one political party. This is about something much more damaging than destroying businesses, or taking away our freedoms, or installing socialism. This is about censoring, muzzling soul winners. You think Satan cares about censoring Republicans? They are no threat to him. He cares about censoring soul winners. They are the threat.

Is this all moving us towards a one-world order with the Antichrist at the head? Probably… but more so, Satan wants to shut Christians up, and shut our ministries down. This pandemic is just KILLING our soul winning efforts! The open door in America went from wide open to barely cracked. I think of what a LOSS of souls there has been since this thing started! How many souls have we lost? How many could have been won!?

But you know what? God let this pandemic happen.  He allowed this virus to spread and the fear to build and the businesses to shut down and the mask mandates to be installed. He allowed the governors and mayors to impose quarantines and public gathering limits, and to close parks and public places.

He allowed our rights to be violated. He allowed the open door to be nearly shut on us.

So what can we do? We can’t stop preaching the gospel. We must needs be subject to man where possible, but we must obey God rather than men. It’s a tough place. But for now: Put on your mask, limit your gatherings (where possible – where large ones are not necessary to win souls) but preach the gospel boldly.

If I had an opportunity to preach to a large crowd, in violation of the gathering rules? I’d take it! Shouldn’t I? Shouldn’t you? Shouldn’t we obey God rather than men?

What about the fear of dying from this virus? I don’t have a fear of it. Nor should you. Not because its a hoax. Not because there is no danger there.. But, because as long as you are going out in the name of the Lord, He is your defence. Be bold and be confident in your safety. The Lord protects His servants. The Lord will not let a virus kill you before He is done using you. And if you do get sick and die it will be for His sake, and it will be His will, and it will be rewarded and it will have been worth it.

I think that is the line we have to draw. Obey our government. But obey God rather than men.

As long as we are alive in the flesh, we ought to be subject unto our rulers – Presidents and Governors and Judges, and Police Officers and all such like – and not to resist them.

They are not ordained of men, but of God. And we must needs be subject. But where contrary to Scripture, we ought to obey God rather than men. Where we have an open door of the Lord to preach the gospel, we ought to obey God rather than men.


I believe a Christian should not be involved in Politics.

You say, “You’re saying that God chooses our leaders in accordance with His will, but this is America! We have democracy. We hold free and fair elections. We have a vote. We can affect change! We can get active in politics and WE can choose good and gentle and just leaders!!”

I think you’re wrong. You have a desire. But you don’t have the choice.

God does His will in the earth. He sets up whom He will. Maybe it will be who America desires, maybe it won’t be. What if God’s choice is not America’s?

How many votes does it take to override God’s will? Is God just a swing state for close races?

Remember, God sets up the ordinances. That is His job. So, if you are politicizing yourself, fighting for your candidates, are you “doing the Lord’s work” for Him, or are you perhaps, fighting against Him? How can you be sure which it is? Are you sure you know which is the better candidate? Are you sure you know which is the RIGHT candidate? Are you wiser than Him? What if you’ve chosen wrong? Will you campaign, and rally, and debate, and fight against His will? If you’ve chosen right, what have you added to His cause? Does He need your help? Does He really need your time and efforts to establish ordinances? Does He owe you thanks when He succeeds? Will you get a reward for your political work? What have you profited Him? I think nothing. I think you’ve wasted your time.

Again, I believe Christians are not to be involved in Politics!

Christians aren’t supposed to a bunch of activists in our communities. The world already has activists. On both sides of the isle, fighting for a better country, a better world. Fighting for a better life (for themselves, and often for others). An activist labours and works to affect change in policies and laws. I shouldn’t have to tell you.. this is not our job as Christians.

An activists works to change laws, control money flow, and also to affect people. To change people’s minds where possible and to get them motivated where necessary. All in the hopes of changing our lives, or country, our world for the better. I shouldn’t have to tell you.. this is not our job as Christians.

Now, there are some similarities between activists and Christians…

Activists are active in this carnal world. They want to preserve and improve men’s lives. No matter what they are doing, correct or incorrect, good or evil, left or right, they are all trying to make things in this world better. Maybe selfishly, maybe unselfishly. But they are all fighting to change their lives for the better. This is how they fight: carnally. This is why they fight: to save and improve the world.

Christians are active, fighting and laboring in the Spirit. We want to GIVE men life. This is how we fight: spiritually. This is why we fight: to save and edify men’s souls.

Politicians and Activists fight to improve this life, which is death. Christians fight to improve the next life, which is true eternal life.

Politicians and Activists fight to improve the life that men already have. Christians fight to give men eternal live that they don’t have.

An activist tries to change people’s minds to think like them.  They argue, and coerce, and shame others to change their minds. And if that doesn’t work, they manipulate them, blackmail them, or even break the law so that they can work their own wills.

Again there are some similarities, but Christians must be different. We MUST not strive. We must not fight against flesh.

We DO want men to change their minds, but we must not be the ones to change them. But in persuading them to believe the gospel, we must be gentle, easy, patient. We should not, and we CANNOT, change anyone’s mind to make them believe the Gospel. That is called repentance. They must repent because they want to. Our labour is to give them knowledge, give them the truth… and if God so elects them, chooses them, HE will grant them repentance. He will open their ears and He will ALLOW them to change their minds. But we can’t force them. And we can’t despise and revile those that don’t hear us!

2 Timothy 2:24-25  And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,  25  In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; …

Does that sound like an activist to you? Activists are angry, often violent. Sometimes passive aggressive. Most of the time just aggressive! The best politicians are good at containing their anger and disgust at their enemies. But we are to teach in love, instruct in meekness. Because our job is not to strive with man. Because our job is not to change their minds, or win their vote, or control their thinking, or impose our will on them because they are stupid and we know best. Our job is not to silence our opposition. Our job is to give eternal life to those that are hungry for it. To give the truth to those that desire it.

2 Timothy 2:25-26 …if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;  26  And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

Our job is to release the prisoners. Our job is to save the oppressed, to heal the sick.

“That’s what we want to do” says the activist. Justice! Healthcare!

Again, there are some similarities in what we want, yes.

But where they want to heal men temporarily with medicine, we want to heal man eternally with the word of God.

Where they want to release the state’s prisoners, we seek to release Satan’s prisoners.

Our job is not political. Our job is spiritual. We do not try to effect national or political change. We do not strive to save or improve our country. We do not strive to repave roads, enable clean energy, clean up crime in our communities, encourage diversity, or even to feed the poor! Our business is not politics. We aren’t in the business of condemning our current leaders or promoting better candidates. We don’t hold rallies, we don’t campaign, we don’t yell “VOTE, VOTE, VOTE OR DIE!” over the megaphone.

Jesus said, “ I must be about my Father’s business.” None of this is our Father’s business, none of this was Jesus’ ministry, and none of this is how we are to serve God’s children.

If you convince yourself otherwise, you’ve deceived yourself… blinded to the spiritual things.