The Election Count – Part 1


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The Election Count – Part 1

The Election Count – Part 1

The Election

We just had Election Day in the Unites States this past Tuesday. So I want to talk about the election. After winning a very close race, we have a new President-Elect. Also, if you haven’t heard there has been a lot of news about the counting of the election. I’ve been watching a fair amount of news coverage recently and I suppose maybe some of you have too. Some of these things have been, admittedly hard for me to watch. I think its worth discussing some of these things from a spiritual perspective.

This may or may not be for you today. But it certainly is for me. I need to hear it. So maybe God will be talking to you in this message. But I know he will be talking to me.

Maybe you will learn something, maybe you won’t. But this is how I believe we should be thinking of these strange and frightening (or exciting?) current events that we are living through.

Its very easy to get totally wrapped up in the news. Especially news that could affect your life. News that could dramatically change the place you live, and possibly the future of yourself and your family.

I’ve been watching it. To much of it, honestly. My flesh eats it up. Some of it is so interesting. Some is so dramatic. Some of it is so exciting. Some of it is downright frightening. Some of it makes me angry. Some of it pisses me off.

We don’t often talk about current events in this church, and we really NEVER talk politics, but this current situation is a BIG one for all of us. And its been on my mind a lot, and possibly its been on yours a lot too.

I can’t get to all of it today. But here is what you need to know, and what in time we will discuss:

  • The Election and the Election Count
  • Governments and Ordinances (Submit!)
  • Politics (not for Christians)
  • America is not our country! (We are strangers)
  • America offers us no safety! (our only trust is in the Lord)
  • The Kingdom of God (The Lord is our King, this is the kingdom of men. Mind not earthly things)
  • Our race, our fight (Spiritual – our focus should be on spiritual things)
  • An Open Door (We should pray for our rulers)
  • A Civil War? (this is not our fight)
  • That Dreadful Day (that day is approaching – Get ready!)
  • We Win

So I want to talk about the Election Count today.

But.. maybe not the Election that you are thinking of!

What Election am I talking about? The 2020 Presidential Election? The Congressional Race? We’ll touch on it… but No. I’m talking about the Election of the Bible.

1 Thessalonians 1:4  Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.

There is an election according to the Bible. An election made of God. This is The Election to God. The only one He cares about.

Mark 13:20  And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect‘s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.

God has chosen – elected His people. Us! The Brethren are elected of God. How?

The election is not by popular vote. The Election is not by works.

Romans 9:11  (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)

We didn’t campaign to be elected. We didn’t work at all!

We were elected before we were even born!

The Election is by grace.

Romans 11:5-6  Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.  6  And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

Who is this election? We are the election of grace. We are God’s choice.

We have been called of God, chosen of Jesus Christ and confirmed of the Holy Spirit. We’ve been sworn in, not with a hand placed on the Bible, but by the living Word of God proceeding out of our mouths. We’ve not been appointed to a 4-year term. We’ve been established for ever. We are the Elect. How? By God’s grace. God is the elector!

With what reasoning have we been elected?

1 Peter 1:2  Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: …

He just foreknew us. He foreknew that we would be saved. He would open our ears and we would believe on His Son. He foreknew that we would receive grace WITHOUT WORKS!