The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
- Isaiah 61:1

Lordswatch ShortPlan Tutorial – Script


This video tutorial is intended to help train Christians to use the Lordswatch Ministries 5-minute salvation presentation, called the Lordswatch “ShortPlan”, and to equip them with a VERY powerful, highly successful personal soul-winning process.

This video will explain step-by-step, the process by which we warn the lost, open to people an understanding of Bible salvation, by the gospel of Jesus Christ, in just 5 minutes, and teach them to KNOW that they have eternal life.

This video is intended to train Christians who have already seen the Lordswatch Salvation presentation to use the same presentation to win others to Christ. If you have not yet seen the Lordswatch salvation presentation, PLEASE, first watch that video, which can be found at

Let’s begin

The first 3 steps in this process are used to obtain an opportunity to present the gospel. We call this our “opening”. The opening is necessary to gain consent to present the gospel to a potential convert. These steps will allow you to approach any person, even a complete stranger, warn them of their eternal fate, and to ask for 5-minutes of their time to help change their eternity.

However, in any case where you happen to already have the potential convert’s consent to show them the presentation, for example, if you have a pre-arranged time to present the gospel to a loved one, you can proceed to Step # 4.

Step # 1: Ask to speak to them:

The first step is simply to ask to speak to the potential convert.

For a Complete Stranger we use:

“Excuse me, <Sir, Ma’am, Folks>, Could I speak to you for a moment?” (Pause slightly, but don’t wait for an answer.) “I mean you no harm. I’m not trying to sell you anything, I don’t want your money.”

For a Personal Acquaintance (a family member, friend, a co-worker, etc.) its almost just as easy. Many people try to turn a conversation to the Lord. Instead, all you need to do is ask them to speak to them about something important. You’re looking for a simple pause in, or a conclusion of any conversation that you were having. Just an small window. Then, just say something like:

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to speak to you about for some time. Do you mind if we spoke about something important?”

For a co-worker or a new acquaintance, I would simply say “Could I speak to you about something personal for a moment?”

Now after asking permission, you’ll want to hear a “Yes” before continuing. If there is any type of pause or concern in their expression, I would add.

“I’m not trying to sell you anything, I don’t want your money.”

You don’t need to overthink making this transition. You don’t need to, say… strike up a personal conversation, and then craft a unique transition based on what you already happened to be talking about, or based on some area of mutual interest, or based on current events. Whether this is a close acquaintance or a complete stranger, this same thing is all you need to do to make a transition. All you need to do is ASK THEM if you can speak to them about something important. That is enough of a transition to spiritual things. That is ALL you need to do.

The hard part is merely overcoming your own fear and shame. The hard part is just deciding that you will choose to fear the Lord, rather than men. That is what should be going through your mind to strengthen your boldness in the Lord. Consider that, “I may never get another opportunity to witness to this person, and I’m doing this right now because if I don’t, I will answer to the Lord for not warning this person, and this person’s blood will be on my hands.”

Step # 2: Give them a Warning:

“The unfortunate truth, is that one day when you die, you’ll spend eternity in a worse place than you can possibly imagine. The Bible calls it the Lake of Fire. But God does not want that. It’s just my job to warn you, and to show you how to change it.”

Memorize this. Practice it. Repeatedly. Speak it this way EXACTLY. Don’t soften it. Don’t sugar-coat it. Because unless they already have the exact doctrine that you are bringing them, then it is absolutely true: they are GOING to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.

You can tailor just about any part of our suggested language in this tutorial to your needs, but we highly suggest that you don’t remove or change this warning.

The only liberty I myself take with the warning is in the phrase “Its just my job to warn you,…” Depending on the setting, I may go with a bit stronger statement, such as “The Lord put me here to warn you, …” or even, “The Lord sent me to warn you, …”

This is the most important part of our job as Christians. You need to give the potential convert a warning. It’s not enough to ask someone, “Can I tell you about Jesus?” … Why?

# 1: They already know about Jesus. I mean, wouldn’t that be your response if someone gave you that line? You’d say, “No thanks. I already know about Jesus.”

# 2: The Bible says to WARN them. Warning is a huge part of preaching the gospel. If you walk away without warning them, you did not do your job for the Lord.

The lost must be warned if they are to be saved. For reference, see Colossians 1:28, Jude 1:23, and Hebrews 11:7.

For this reason, we often call what we do, “Soul Warning”, as opposed to “Soul Winning”. We win many, but we warn many more.

With this warning, they will either be ready to hear the gospel from your mouth, or they will reject your words. Thank them for their time, and walk away. If they laugh at you, or yell at you, THANK THEM, “for great is your reward in heaven”, and WALK AWAY.

Step # 3: Ask for 5-minutes:

Some people will have cut you off from speaking and said “No thank you” or “I’m not interested”. Maybe they will even say something nasty or maybe they will have already gone to report you to the authorities. Again, THANK THEM and walk away.

But if they are still there with you, the next step is to simply ask for 5-minutes of their time to show them the presentation. Here are a couple of ways that we ask:

Option 1: “Would you pause 5-minutes to change your eternity?”

Option 2: “I have a nice Bible presentation. It literally takes 5 minutes. Could I show that to you?”

It’s your preference on how you want to ask them for 5 minutes.

I often like to go with Option 1 first, and then, if the potential convert pauses while trying to decide whether they want to say Yes or No, I then use Option 2.

It would sound like this:

“Would you pause 5-minutes to change your eternity?  …   I have a nice Bible presentation. It literally takes 5 minutes. Could I show that to you?”

If the answer is “No”, thank them for their time and walk away.

For a complete stranger, I would suggest a simple: “Thank you for your time, have a nice day.”

For a personal acquaintance, I would suggest: “No problem. I hope I didn’t offend you. But thank you for your time, and if you change your mind, just let me know.”

Full Opening Example # 1: A complete opening for a complete stranger

Let’s say I am sitting next to a man on a park bench; a complete stranger to me. The Lord likely arranged this meeting so that I could warn, and perhaps even win this person to Christ. I would rather earn this man’s wrath now than have to answer to the Lord’s wrath one day with this man’s blood on my hands. So, I decide to go for it.

Steps 1-3 would sound like this:

“Excuse me Sir, could I speak to you for a moment?” …  “I mean you no harm. I’m not trying to sell you anything, I don’t want your money.” … “The unfortunate truth, is that one day when you die, you’ll spend eternity in a worse place than you can possibly imagine. The Bible calls it the Lake of Fire. But God does not want that. The Lord put me here to warn you, and to show you how to change it.” … “Would you pause 5-minutes to change your eternity?”

Full Opening Example # 2: A complete opening for a close acquaintance

Let’s say I would like to share the gospel with my Aunt Cathy, who I care for very much, but who I don’t often get one-on-one time with. I’ve been looking for, and praying for an opportunity to speak with my Aunt for quite some time. Just today, at a family gathering, Aunt Cathy and I find ourselves chatting alone, apart from our family.

Steps 1-3 would sound like this:

“Aunt Cathy, there’s something I’ve been meaning to speak to you about for some time. Do you mind if we spoke about something important?” … Aunt Cathy responds “Of course.” So I continue …  “I’m not trying to sell you anything, I don’t want your money.” … “The unfortunate truth, is that one day when you die, you’ll spend eternity in a worse place than you can possibly imagine. The Bible calls it the Lake of Fire. But God does not want that. It’s just my job to warn you, and to show you how to change it.” … “I have a nice Bible presentation. It literally takes 5 minutes. Could I show that to you?”

Step # 4: Begin the slideshow:

Pull out the presentation and begin reading off the first card.

With a complete stranger, I typically like to ask the person’s name and introduce myself while I am pulling out my presentation and getting myself ready to present. This is optional, but if you do ask, just be sure to REMEMBER the person’s name, so you don’t have to apologize and ask for it again.

While getting ready to present, try to best position yourself so that both you and the potential convert can clearly see the presentation. Then, begin to read the presentation.

We prefer to use electronic tablets or computers to show the presentation. But outside during daytime, they are almost impossible to see clearly. Thus, we print and laminate our presentation as a set of flip cards to be used outdoors.

The Lordswatch Ministries Salvation PPT presentation is available on our website at You may download, copy and distribute this presentation, or any portion thereof, free of charge. This publication is free of charge to all. It is ungodly and illegal to sell this presentation. We will provide detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up a tablet with the presentation in a separate video tutorial.

If you would like a physical set of cards which we recommend for outdoor use, for your personal soul-winning use, please send an e-mail with your request, name, and mailing address to

Lordswatch Ministries will provide card sets completely free of charge for as long as the Lord provides for us, and at our wise discretion. For as long as the Lord wills it, we will never charge a fee for the gospel plan or any of our gospel presentation materials.

The flip cards can be downloaded and printed free of charge from our website at Various card sizes are available.

For those that would like to mass print and create their own flip cards, we will provide detailed step-by-step instructions on how to create the Lordswatch ShortPlan card sets in a separate video tutorial.

Step # 5: Get your 2 answers:

The two questions that we ask on the first slide are very important. It is critical to ask these questions up front, and to capture the potential convert’s answers, or at least their uncertainty.

Note and remember the answers that they give you. These answers define what they believe, and if they get both of these answers wrong, you can KNOW, that they are lost, and NOT saved.

As much as possible, don’t let the potential convert ramble on and on. Get them to either give you a succinct answer, or, to concede that they really CAN’T give you an answer.

Question 1: “Can you explain to me your need for righteousness?”

Most people will not know the correct answer to this question. In fact, most will not even understand the question. The correct answer, God’s answer, is revealed later in the presentation. It is VERY important to establish NOW whether the listener knows or does NOT know the answer to this question.

Give them a few seconds to answer. After a noticeable pause and visible confusion on their faces, just press ahead and let the presentation do the talking.

If they do attempt an answer, listen for some form of the answer: “I need to do right.” That may include “I need to love my fellow man.” “I always try to do the right thing.” “I pray every day.” All these answers demonstrate ignorance of God’s righteousness, and appeal to one’s own righteousness. You have your answer. Press ahead.

Sometimes they will ask: “What do you mean by that?” Or, “what does that mean”? With that answer, just press ahead and let the presentation do the talking. The potential convert has demonstrated that they don’t even understand the question. Thus, they are ignorant of God’s righteousness. You have your answer. Press ahead.

Sometimes they also ask: “what do you mean by righteousness”, or “what is righteousness”? We answer: “doing right.” Its true. And for a lost person, it encourages them towards giving the succinct answer we expect them to give, that is: “I need to be doing right.”

Question 2: “If you were to live the rest of your life as a serial killer, could that possibly hurt your chances of going to Heaven?”

This question quickly establishes whether or not the listener believes, in even the very slightest way, that their “works” (being “good” or not being “too bad”) can either help or hinder their chance to get to heaven.

We are looking for one of 3 answers: “Yes”, “No, or “I’m Not Sure.”

Most often, we hear “Yes”. In this case, just remember their answer, and continue on to give the rest of the presentation.

If the potential convert does not give you one of these answers, you may have to press them a little bit more to get one of these responses. Here is how we would re-ask and clarify the question: “If you, God forbid, committed murder, and then WHAM, you got hit by a bus and died before you had a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness, could that possibly hurt your chances of going to heaven.”

With this clarification, most of the time we get a succinct answer, and most of the time the answer is “Yes, it could possibly hurt my chances”. With that answer, just say “Okay” or “Thank you”, and press on to Step # 6.

Step #6: Continue the slideshow towards the prayer slide:

This is the simple part: simply read off the presentation. For the most part, you’ll read everything on the card, but there are a few words and phrases that you don’t read.

Firstly, it is not necessary to read the verse references.

Secondly, a slew of phrases appears on Slide # 2 in very small black font. Do not read all of these phrases. The only phrases you need to read are the large white and outlined font.

Additionally, a sort of word appears on Slides # 7 and # 11. The image says “Coexist”, but you don’t read this word aloud. This is just a graphic meant to represent all of the religions in the world, which all teach the same thing: WORKS.

The final set of words appears on Slide # 19: When we are asking them if they want to choose their eternal destination, the words “Heaven” and “Hell” appear in the images of the doors of Heaven and Hell. These words are not intended to be read, although if you happen to read them out loud, I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt.

Otherwise, all the words of the presentation are meant to be read.

Note: While all you have to do is read off the slides or cards, it can still be difficult the first few times you give this presentation. But the more you familiarize yourself with them, the smoother this will go.  Very quickly, you will become a confident and powerful soul winner!

We would actually suggest that you first watch and listen to the Lordwatch ShortPlan recording on the Ministry website at: Listen to it multiple times to familiarize yourself with the presentation, including what words are NOT read, and even where we feel it is best to put extra emphasis on certain words or phrases in the presentation. Then, PRACTICE! You don’t need to memorize the presentation. You don’t need to practice 100 times or anything. But make sure you read them aloud to yourself, we’d recommend at least 5 times to train your tongue and mind to speak the words and phrases. Again, you don’t need to memorize. You can give the presentation with no practice at all if you desire. It’s designed such that all you have to do it READ IT. But it REALLY helps to build up a little muscle memory.

Step # 7: Ask if they want to pray:

The last sentence on the prayer slide, Slide # 20, is the question, “Would you like to pray that right now?”  

If “Yes”, continue on to the next step.

If they pause, we like to add, “We could just take 30-seconds and do a repeat-after-me?” If they still pause, or hesitate, we clarify “If you tell me no, its no, and I won’t bother you again. But this is the only way to change your eternity and you may never have another chance. Do you want to pray now?”

If they say “No”. Thank them for their time and walk away.

Step # 8) Pray:

If they DO want to pray on the spot to get saved, then you can choose to either simply let them read off of the card beginning with “Dear Lord”, or you can lead them in a repeat-after-me prayer.

If you lead them in prayer, lead them in the exact prayer that is written in the presentation.  

You can choose to pray how you see fit, but we offer the following example of how we pray:

Prayer Example:

Before we pray, we like to ask for the new convert’s name, if we did not already get it previously. Lets’ say that the man sitting next to me on the park bench gave me 5 minutes of his time and now wants to get saved. His name happens to be John.

I’d tell John “Let’s Pray”, and then here is how I would pray.

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for the opportunity to speak with John today. I thank you for opening his understanding. I pray that what he prays now, that he will truly mean it from the bottom of his heart. For I know if he does, you have PROMISED to saved him. Then we ask the new convert, “Repeat after me, John.” After which, we read directly from the prayer slide, with appropriate pauses, to allow the new convert time to repeat.

Dear Lord… I REPENT OF BELIEVING IN WORKS… I must be saved by grace… without works… I BELIEVE JESUS IS GOD… The One True Almighty God… I BELIEVE ONLY JESUS MATTERS… Jesus died for me and rose again… I SUBMIT TO GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS… so I will have… the impossibility of sin… Amen…

Praying together is pretty simple, but there is one important consideration to keep in mind. If you are in a public setting, or if you are witnessing to a group of people, those people are likely under a huge amount of peer pressure. So, we tell them that they can either pray out loud, or in their hearts. As long as it is prayed sincerely to the Lord, the Lord will hear it.

Step # 9: Go through the Eternal Security slides:

When finished praying, proceed to go through the final 2 slides to assure them that they are NOW saved for ever, no matter what happens. Their works don’t matter. Only Jesus matters.

Now consider, we just went through a 5-minute presentation and then took about another minute to pray. So this is optional, but I will often add in, “This will just take one more minute…”, or “If I could have just one more minute of your time…” before launching into these last two slides. I want them to know that I’m almost done, and I am not planning to go on for another 5-minutes.

Step # 10: Say Goodbye:

You can end the conversation however you like for a personal acquaintance. But our preference for complete strangers who get saved, is typically to just say something like, “Thank you for your time. It was very nice to meet you. And if I never see you again after today, I’ll see you in heaven one day.”


How to handle variations from the process, and other problems you will encounter.

The previous 10-step process is ALWAYS what we are trying to implement. But not every encounter is the model. People answer differently, and people react to the truth differently. The proceeding advice is provided to ensure that you are equipped to handle any variations from the process above and to be able to quickly get back on track to the 10-step process, AND that you know when to WALK AWAY from an encounter. You can’t save everyone. But with this process you can save ALL who are willing. We just want to make sure they understand what we are offering, and if they are not interested, we move on to someone else who is.

Variation A) Giving a Follow-up Warning for “Christians”:

Variation A – Part 1

After we give someone the warning identified in Step # 2, we will often hear something like: “I’m a Christian.” “I’m already saved.” “I already go to church.” Or, “I already know Jesus.”  They often even cut us off while we are still speaking the warning.

This person is telling you that your warning does not apply to them, and they THINK they already know what you’re trying to teach them. Most likely… they don’t! So, what we like to do is ask them our Question 2. It sounds like this:

“Oh. That’s great to hear! Listen, being a Christian, could I ask you a quick question” They almost always answer “Yes”. Then we ask our Question 2:  “If you were to stop going to church and living right, and instead you lived the rest of your life as a serial killer, could that possibly hurt your chances of going to Heaven?”

If and when they get that question wrong, i.e. they say “Yes” or “I’m not sure”, then we know that this person is not a TRUE Christian. So, we first make it very clear to them that our warning DOES apply to them; that they are indeed going to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, and then we ask for 5 minutes of their time to change their eternity. It sounds like this:

“The unfortunate truth is that, it’s not just POSSIBLE that one day you might mess up and end up in the Lake of Fire. But it’s absolutely certain that that is where you’re going to go, because of what you believe. But if you give me 5-minutes, I’ll show you why that is true, and how to change your eternity.”

Note: If and when they agree to give you 5-minutes, when you get to Question 2 on Slide # 1, just say, “And I already asked you the 2nd question about being a serial killer, and you said “Yes, it could hurt my chances”. Or if they didn’t know for sure, of course say “And I already asked you the 2nd question about being a serial killer, and you said “I’m not sure”. Then press ahead into the rest of the presentation.

Variation A – Part 2

The other person you should be aware of, is of the “works are proof of salvation” crowd. This person SAYS that they believe they are saved only by grace BUT, that inevitably there will be good works after salvation for every Christian who truly repents and believes. They say this because they have not repented of their WORKS, but only of their SINS. When asked Question 2, they will say things like “I would never do that”. And if they are pressed with “what if you did?”, they will answer, “well then it would mean that I was never a Christian”, or “that I never really believed”, or “that I didn’t really repent in the first place.” You see, to them, if a person does not continue to do good works, it means that they were NEVER saved. So they MUST continue to live a righteous life in order to MAKE SURE that they are saved. They are not FREE to STOP working. If they stop WORKING, it means they aren’t saved. No matter how they try to explain it away, this person has WORKS mixed into their salvation. The Bible calls this LEAVEN, and it CORRUPTS the doctrine of Grace. This is precisely the point of the explanation on Slide # 16 that, “If you believe that you must maintain good works… Christ is become of no effect unto you … Christ shall profit you nothing”, as the Bible says in Galatians Chapter 5. This person believes in WORKS. BUT they will NOT ADMIT that they believe in works. Why? Because they do not even KNOW that they believe in works. This presentation is especially effective at opening the eyes of this person.  But 5-minutes of doctrine alone does not always do the trick. Beware of wasting your time trying to convince a person that they are lost, when they refuse your initial attempts. Many of them are PROUD of their works, and are unwilling to hear the truth. We want to reach these people, knowing that they have been deceived by Satan to believe they are Christians when they ARE NOT. However, when we hear hardness and pride in them, we know they are not prepared of the Lord. When you hear pride in them, or when they begin to argue with you… thank them for their time, and WALK AWAY.

For your own understanding, we offer that the Bible NEVER says that WORKS are the EVIDENCE of salvation. In fact, the only time the word “evidence” is used, in the whole New Testament, is when the Bible says “Faith… is the evidence.” This is precisely why we ASK them these 2 questions. To see whether there is EVIDENCE of salvation in them. To see whether there is FAITH in them. FAITH alone, without works. Refer to Romans 4:6 as well as 2 Corinthians 13:5 and 1 Kings 10:1.

Variation A – Part 3

From time to time, you will get asked about James 2. When you get asked, “what about James 2: faith without works is dead?”, be HIGHLY AWARE that this person is likely going to argue with you, and be VERY PREPARED to walk away. Now, some people just have a legitimate question about James 2, and need an answer. We can offer one, and we have resources on our website to help explain the true Bible interpretation of James 2 in more detail. But most of the time, James 2 is ONLY brought up to try to JUSTIFY their belief in their own WORKS. Here is the quickest explanation I can give of James 2. I would recommend to offer this explanation, and if it is not good enough, then walk away.

Explanation of James 2: “Faith without works is dead. That’s absolutely true. No WORKS, no LIFE. But whose works are you trusting to give you life? Yours, or Jesus’? I submit that it is Jesus’ WORKS that give LIFE to FAITH. We trust in Jesus’ works, not our OWN works. And the only works that you have to do to get LIFE from Jesus, are the first works of faith in Jesus Christ, that is: Believe and Confess. These works, Believe and Confess, fit perfectly to interpret James Chapter 2.  With faith in the promise of God in Jesus Christ alone, along with the single remaining work of CONFESSING the gospel with your mouth, you have done all the WORK REQUIRED to have LIFE in the FAITH of Jesus Christ. You have faith AND WORKS. Jesus’ WORKS. Your work is done. You have ceased from your OWN works.”

Variation B) Getting a “No” on Question 2:

When asking Question 2, every once in a while we get the answer “No”.

You should first clarify the question similar to what we suggested in Step # 5: “So if you, God forbid, committed murder, and then WHAM, you got hit by a bus, and died before you had a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness, would that hurt your chances of going to heaven?”

At this point, most people will then finally understand the real question that we are asking and admit that “Yes”, this could hurt their chances.

Note: we don’t typically ask it this way, but for your own understanding, the real question we are asking is, “Do you believe that YOUR WORKS can effect where you spend eternity?” And an answer like “Yes” or “I’m not sure” tells us that they believe in works salvation. They have not repented of their works.

But if they are adamant about their “No” answer, we need to ask one more question: “Why?”

It’s possible that this person is saved. But don’t assume they are. So when they say “No”, we ask, “Why is that?”

Hopefully they say something like, “because Jesus paid for ALL my sins and you can’t lose your salvation.” In this case, you’re talking to a brother or sister in Christ. If they are still interested in seeing the presentation, we’d be happy to share our soul-winning plan with them. Otherwise, thank them for their time, and let them know you’ll see them in heaven one day.

But you may be surprised, as some of them will answer, “because you can still repent.” We would press them with the same clarified question from before: “What if you didn’t have time to repent?” Hopefully that helps pin them down, because they can’t get saved until you establish that they are lost. However, you may still hear some answer, “well you can just repent after you die.” THAT is absolutely NOT scriptural. That is a lie, straight from the Father of lies. If this is a complete stranger, I would thank them for their time, and WALK AWAY from this person. They’ve already chosen to reject the word of God, to believe extra-Biblical sources for their doctrine. If this is someone I know or care about, I would likely take one more moment to inform them that the Bible is very clear that that is not true, and that God does NOT give anyone an opportunity to repent after death. But if that does not immediately change their answer, and their attitude, then WALK AWAY.

You may get some other wild answers after you ask, “Why is that?”. For some, you may simply need to reiterate the question: “What if you committed some horrible sin, and didn’t have time to repent?”. But others may give answers like “because there is no heaven,” or “because there is no God”, or “because there is no way to know what happens after we die.” I would not hesitate to thank them for their time and to WALK AWAY. This person is likely looking for an argument, and again, your time is too valuable to waste it on someone who doesn’t want to hear God’s words from God’s messengers that He has sent them. The Bible says, “sow not among thorns” and “cast not your pearls before swine.”

Variation C) Getting questions in the middle of the presentation.

We strongly recommend that you don’t stop in the middle of the presentation to answer questions. By the end of the presentation, you’ll find that there are very few unanswered questions left to ask. If you get a question in the middle of the presentation, tell them you will gladly answer questions at the end of the 5-minute presentation. It is pretty rare, actually, when we get questions during the presentation. But if you do, tell them you will address whatever is troubling them at the end of the presentation – and keep going.

Variation D) Hearing “I’ve already done that”:

Sometimes when we get to the end of the presentation and ask whether they want to pray, they say “I’ve already done that”, or “I do that every day”.

This is why its so important to get those 2 initial questions answered, and to remember those answers. What you will need to do, is point out that they actually answered both questions wrong, and thus according to the Scripture, they are not saved.

Flip back to Slide #10, and explain that:

When asked Question 1 about their “need for righteousness”, they were ignorant of “God’s Righteousness” AND when asked Question 2 about being a serial killer, they were going about to establish their own righteousness.

Therefore: It is impossible that they have said this prayer before, because they HAD NOT REPENTED of their WORKS, and they HAD NOT SUBMITTED to God’s righteousness. They may have said “a” prayer. They may have repented of their SINS. But they’ve never repented of their WORKS before. They’ve NEVER said a true salvation prayer like this before.

Note: If this is the response you get from a complete stranger, you may want to just thank them for their time and walk away, accounting that God has not chosen to open their understanding. But especially for a personal acquaintance of some type, like a loved one, you will want to make it clear that this is something they have never done before. As witnessed by getting both questions wrong, they have demonstrated that they are NOT saved. It is impossible that they have already done this before.

Variation E) Understanding that you have Scriptural support if you need it.

Just in case someone questions any of the legitimacy of the doctrine and statements made in the presentation, you should be aware that Scriptural support is built into the slides.

Throughout the presentation, Scripture references are listed. Additionally, in the PPT slides, anything that is underlined can be clicked/tapped to pull up additional Scriptural support. Simply tap it to pull a textbox with the Scripture up on the screen, and then tap the text box to remove it.

Its very rare that we get questions and ever feel it is necessary or useful to pull up the additional Scriptural support.  If a listener disagrees with one or more of the statements made in the presentation, its most likely that that person is just inclined to reject the word of God.

You may never use the additional Scriptural support. Just know that it is there if you need it.

Also, I can’t recall a single time that I’ve been challenged on a doctrine, proceeded to pull up the additional Scripture, and then that person changed their mind. If they are challenging the doctrine, that is a pretty clear indication that they are just inclined to argue with you and reject God’s word.

Variation F) Knowing when to walk away.

If someone has a legitimate question, we are happy to answer. If they need a bit more explaining after the 5-minutes are over, we’re happy to reiterate and summarize. But we don’t argue! If someone wants to argue with you, just thank them for their time and WALK AWAY.

Our belief is that our time is too valuable. Your time is too valuable. This gospel presentation is too valuable. There are too many others that are hungry to hear the truth. Don’t waste your time trying to give the gospel to the people that don’t want it. Don’t cast your pearls before swine. WALK AWAY.

Variation G) Hearing “Not right now”

When we are finished with the presentation and we ask “Would you like to pray that right now?” Sometimes there is hesitation, and the potential convert says something like “not right now”. Perhaps because they need more time to think about it, or perhaps because they feel too much pressure in the moment.

We make it clear to them that they do not have to pray this with us, but that this is the ONLY way to get saved.

We actually carry Lordswatch Ministries business cards that we give to those people who choose not to pray right now, with us, but express that they may want to pray later in private, or that they need more time to think about what they’ve heard. This same salvation prayer from Slide # 20 is printed on the front of our business cards, and on the back of the card is a link to the ministry web page so they can hear the recorded presentation again if they desire. This way, if they do not want to pray right now, they still they have a chance to get saved later after we walk away.

To be clear, we DO NOT give these cards to those people who tell us “no”, they don’t want to get saved, but only to those people that DO get saved, and those people who we sense may possibly WANT TO get saved, but do not choose to pray a salvation prayer on the spot, with us.

If you would also like some of our Lordswatch Ministries business cards to distribute to people under these conditions, please reach out to us through our website, and we will make every effort to send you some business cards, free of charge, for your personal soul-winning usage. Otherwise, you may want to consider what you would personally want to have on hand to give to those people, so that they will know what they need to do to get saved after you walk away.