The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
- Isaiah 61:1

Doctrinal Position of Lordswatch Ministries

Lordswatch Ministries has a very basic, well-defined and easily understood doctrinal position statement.

We have five (5) basic unbending core beliefs. These are five beliefs from which, God willing, we will never waiver and of which, again God willing, we will never cease to proclaim. If you hear us teach or preach at any time you will hear these five things without apology. They are:

  1. Every human having the knowledge of good and evil is condemned already to a literal Hell, will ultimately be found guilty of sin, and will be tortured in a literal Lake of Fire for all eternity with no chance for relief, parole or escape.
  2. Scriptural salvation, an instantaneous salvation which can never be lost, is the receipt of the Gift of God through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ and constitutes the only opportunity for a sinner to be reconciled to God and be granted entrance into the Glory of God (Heaven) instead of going to Hell and the Lake of Fire.
  3. Jesus is Jehovah God, The Almighty, The Creator of all things, The Word, The True Light, The One True God. There is no other God but Him. God took the form (body) of a human to become the only possible salvation for mankind. One MUST believe this to be saved. There is not another person in the history of mankind like Him, nor will there ever be. There is no salvation in any other name.
  4. The Holy Bible is the entirely perfect Word of God; an exact replica, though a subset, of The Word of God settled in Heaven. Every word in it is completely pure and absolutely true. It is by far the most important document on this planet.
  5. Loving the lost enough to warn (and hopefully win) them is the most important work that a Christian can do for his Lord. Nothing else is even close. We are all things to all men that we might by all means save some.

These are the ONLY doctrines that we absolutely will not and cannot leave out of any preaching, teaching or presentation. If you don’t want to hear those you don’t want to hear us. However, all other beliefs, unless pertaining directly to scriptural salvation, no matter how strongly we believe them, are withheld for the sake of reaching the lost. We believe God has called us to warn souls and it is with that specific objective we go forth. All other doctrinal issues are left for others to discuss.

We’d also like to refer you to the 5-minute Lordswatch Ministries salvation presentation: