The Election Count – Part 12
I see you fighting… but I don’t see you giving anyone THAT on Facebook, or Twitter or SnapChat. How many posts have you posted? How many of them talked about God or Jesus? A lot of them, you say? So what? Lost people talk about God all the time! How many people have liked your posts and said “Amen” and “praise God” and “glory to Jesus” in response to them? A lot, you say? Well.. so WHAT!!?! You think you’re serving God because you get “Amens” from “Christians”? The false prophets and false brethren do the same things! Raphael Warnock did the same thing. You haven’t done a thing to serve the Lord. I say.. you’ve worked against Him. What??? How?? I’ll say it again..
If you’re arguing politics instead of preaching the Gospel, you’re working against the Lord.
If you’re talking about God without preaching the Gospel, you’re working against the Lord.
I’m sure you feel real good about how you’re fighting, and striving, and standing up for “God” on social media. But how many people have been SAVED by your posts on social media? How many people have read your posts and then prayed a sinner’s prayer of repentance? How many have read your posts and were born again? How many heard some Bible truth that shocked them, and opened their eyes after reading your posts? How many went digging in their Bibles for the truth, after they read one of your posts? How many followers of yours have received eternal life from your social media posts? I would wager.. none! You’re not winning souls on social media. You’re not winning souls by arguing politics.
How many people have changed their minds about their political views because of your posts? Any? Some? A few, you say? Well.. So WHAT!?! That does NOTHING for the Lord. But how many people have repented of their WORKS, and believed the gospel from your posts? I’d wager.. exactly ZERO.
I’d bet you’ve never won a single person to the Lord with all your politically charged posts, all your wise observations, all your faith-based, God-centered posts, with all your verse-of-the-days and Scripture snippets, and all your righteous indignation against the liberal elites, in all of your most fervent and creative and wise rebukes against the “radical left”. In all these things, I’d bet you haven’t won a single person to Jesus. I’d bet you’ve never had a single person see your posts and ASK you how to get saved.
Have you ever posted our 5-minute Salvation Plan video? Have you ever posted any salvation plan?
If you did, are you certain was it good salvation doctrine? Or was it something you saw that someone else posted, and it sounded pretty good, it touched you, and so you reposted it? But were you 100% sure of the doctrine? 100% sure that the source was not a false prophet? 100% sure there was no leaven of works – repenting of sins? 100% sure that it contained the complete gospel such that whoever read your post would be able to get saved, with no confusion. If you did, was it only after you got them all pissed off and offended at you? Well how could they possibly get saved after that?
Proverbs 18:19 A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.
How can you make a brother out of him when you’ve offended him? You’ve lost a potential brother.
You say, “Oh, well a lot of my posts talk about God, and many even have Scripture!” Well… so WHAT?! The false prophets do the same. Satan can too! Satan will sling some verses at you. He’ll make you feel real silly, look real hypocritical and unrighteous, with some of the verses he will throw at you.
No matter how many Scripture phrases you throw in there and aim them at men like a loaded cannon, calling them “ungodly”, “evil doers”, “hypocrites”, “reprobates”, talking about how these liberals are “double minded” and “unstable in all their ways”, rebuking them as “being filled with all unrighteousness”, and how “professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”, how they “became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened”, condemning their gay pride saying “God gave them up unto vile affections”, and reproving those disgusting, cross-dressing, transgender queens saying they “dishonour their own bodies between themselves”, saying how messed up they are because “God gave them over to a reprobate mind”, saying how “they know not God”, and they are “without hope, and without God in the world”. Telling them how you know it’s the end times because the Bible says “the love of many shall wax cold” and “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse” and that is talking about YOU, you stinking, rotting, godless liberal!
This is how you fight, isn’t it?
Fire away. Sling away. Keep slinging those verses – casting those stones, ye that are without sin.
This is all Bible wording. Its all true. But you aren’t just and righteous to use God’s word to attack and rail on the lost. To sling these phrases at them as stones. That’s not why these things are written.
Those horrible accusations that are written in the Bible (many in Romans 1-2) are written for a reason. But they are not written for you to use as ammo in your politically charged fighting against wicked men. So you ask, “Well, if not for shaming my enemies, why are these things written?”
These things are written that ALL may know that they are guilty. That YOU may know that YOU are guilty.
Romans 2:1-3 Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. … 3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
You are just as inexcusable as the wicked persons you despise.
We all do the SAME THINGS. And YOU are no better.
If you show them all these things that are written, but they don’t understand that YOU KNOW that YOU are NOT EXCUSABLE, that YOU are THE SAME vile creature that they are, who does THE SAME THINGS, then you are “handling the word of God deceitfully”. You are NOT serving the Lord.
Those horrible accusations are written that all men may know that they are guilty.
These horrible things were written about YOU, you prideful Christian.
But if they hear these things, but yet don’t hear the gospel from you, none of those horrible accusations will help anyone. And if you sling all these things at them, and yet you don’t put yourself in the same abominable boat, and give them the gospel, all you’ve encouraged them to do is repent of their SINS, to clean up their lives. And if they do, well now … they naturally, think they are saved, clean, a good Christian. Because you told them about all the bad things they were doing and now they’ve repented of them, cleaned them selves all up. But now, they aren’t clean are they? Not by the blood of the lamb! No, now they are MORE LOST than they were before you came along. You’ve confused them, deceived them, blinded them.
You’re no different than Raphael Warnock!
No matter how much you beat them on the head with Christianity and proclaim, “Well you’re not really acting like a Christian because Jesus said love your neighbor and if you don’t blah blah blah, you’re just not very Christian! You’re just not a true loving Christian if you don’t… wear a mask to protect others. You’re just not a true follower of Christ if you don’t stand against racial injustice! You just don’t understand the love of Jesus if you support abortions! You’re just don’t understand Christianity if you don’t stand for the death penalty!”
No one who is arguing like this has ANY CLUE what it means to “love your neighbor”. No one fighting on social media has any clue what it means to “follow Jesus”. No one has any clue what it means to “fight the good fight of faith.” None of them has any clue what the true fight of a Christian is.
And since this is exactly what YOU are doing on social media, you must not either. You do the same things, and you fight the same way. You’ve become just like the dogs. Fight, fight, fight politically! … but of course throw some Scripture in when it suits you. Forget the new man, let me put on the flesh, let me put on the dog. Let me get some sharp teeth. And let me fight!
Please understand me: God does not need you to highlight the good and the evil in this world. God does not need you to publicize racism and injustice. To fight for goodness and justice, and to fight against evil and injustices. (What do we wrestle against? Spiritual wickedness!)
Please understand me: God does not want you involved in politics. Some of you still disagree. But at this point, if you disagree, I just don’t know what else I can show you. But I also don’t know what you could possibly show me. Because fighting politically is just not in there in the NT for us Christians. You’re simply, wilfully, choosing to harden your heart. You’re simply willfully choosing to feed your flesh instead of feeding your spirit, and the poor and hungry souls of men. You’re simply being stubborn and rebellious. You STILL think you should argue politics? Show me the verses! Show me a Christian in the New Testament concerned with politics. Show me a NT epistle that tells us to fight against flesh and blood, to argue politics, to fight for justice, or to stand up for what is right and fair in this world. Show me where it says we are supposed to fight to ensure that people have good jobs, and crimeless streets, or that our countrymen not oppressed, or that they have inalienable rights that are not infringed. Or show me where it is your job to just bash and shame people with the Bible. Its just not there! I assure you, this is not godly. Politics is not for Christians!
I don’t know what else I can show you. But if you want to stand before the Lord at your judgment, and explain to Him how you believe you were right to be involved in politics, go ahead. But I’ve warned you. As your Pastor, as one that must give account for your souls, I am clean.
Please understand. Please hear my warning: People don’t get saved this way. People don’t repent this way. You’re kicking against the pricks. You’re beating the air with your fists. You’re wasting your precious time. You’re wasting the wisdom that has been given to you. You’re wasting the living water, the spiritual food that the Lord has entrusted to you to feed the hungry souls. You’re forsaking the spiritual, to strive for the carnal.
And why? Because it feels SO good! It’s an itch that you just have to scratch!
Why? Because its easy. Why? Because men won’t HATE YOU for it. Some will, But some will support you, love you. They love fighters!
But you go and spell out the gospel on social media. You go and give KJV Scripture and lay out the gospel. Or you go and post the 5-minute gospel presentation we have. Give the link on every post you post. THEN see how much support you get. See how much love you get. See how many Likes you get. See how many Followers you keep. Go and preach to all these friends / allies of yours on Facebook, the ones that THINK they are real Christians, and tell them they are deceived, that they DON’T understand the gospel, and that really they’re on the wide and broad path heading to the Lake of Fire. Then see how many “Amens” and “praise Jesus’” you get. I bet it will be as NOTHING in comparison to what you are getting now.
But then.. that’s exactly why you haven’t done that, isn’t it? Because you’re scared to fight the real fight. Because you’d be hated by all mankind. You’d be hated by both sides. Because you wouldn’t like striving that way. You wouldn’t enjoy Facebook and Twitter anymore if it was all against you.
OR maybe you haven’t done that because you know you wouldn’t be able to do it so easily. Because then you’d have to understand your Bible, instead of understanding the economy, or politics, or the law, or American history. Then you’d have to know your Bible intimately, and be able to answer questions in peace and love, instead of just slinging a few verses at these “stupid liberals” in your anger!
Maybe because you wouldn’t be able to answer the hard questions, or to resist wasting your time fighting against the mockers, instead of finding the sheep.
Maybe you still just don’t agree with me. Maybe you think you ARE in fact “letting your light shine”. Maybe you think people are really getting a hold of your Christianity, and understanding your gospel message as you Retweet godly and inspirational posts, and share your verse-of-the-day, and call for love and unity, and trusting in God in this time of division. Maybe you think you’re doing the right thing simply because so many “Christians” are supporting you. Giving you comments, and Likes, and retweets, and “Amens”! So you must be doing right, when you obviously have so much “Christian” support.
Maybe THAT is your REAL problem. Maybe THAT is part of why you are still fighting carnally. Maybe you’re just having a really hard time seeing through this world’s “Christianity”.
You just don’t understand how FEW of these people who are on your side politically, and claim to be Christians, and talk about following Jesus, and the love of God, and loving their neighbors, and even talk about “the gospel”, and “repenting”, and being “saved”, being “born again” … how few! Few! FEW! … of them are Real Christians. Very, very FEW of them really understand the gospel.
You’d know that if you knew how to prove them with hard questions.
But you don’t… Instead, you see a post about God and you think, well this person must be a “Christian”. You see a post about Christ coming back soon, and the antichrist being revealed and you think, “I’d sure like to hit the Follow button on this person, maybe get a beer with this “Christian””. You must have a lot in common. You repost something about how important it is to “love your neighbor”, and you think, God must be so pleased that you took a stand for Him… of course He is… all your “Christian” friends are! You get into a heated argument, and all your “Christian” supporters come out and support your arguments, and help you fight. You sign a petition to defend the Constitution against the radical socialists, and you and all your “Christian” allies sign it, share it, and pray together that it will be blessed and successful. You attend a Make America Great Again rally and its like a sea of like-minded “Christian” brothers and sisters. You see a “Christian” flag waving in the crowd and you just know, that there is my ally, my brother in Christ, my fellow soldier in this fight! Maybe THIS is your problem, you just don’t see through their sheep’s clothing: that so very, very FEW of them are REAL Christians.
But I see it. I’ve proved them. I’ve been talking to a lot of supposed “Christians” for a while now. My father has for much longer. We can both assure you that the large majority of claiming “Christians”, no matter what they proclaim to be or claim to have done, are NOT Real Christians. These are NOT your allies. They are not your Christian brothers and sisters.
Maybe that is your problem. Maybe that is why you are fighting carnally. Because you think so many “Christians” are fighting with you. Because you think you must be amongst the ranks of the army of God. Maybe you need to start talking to them like we do. Start asking them hard questions to prove them. Start searching for their fruit and pulling the water out of the depths of their hearts to see what they really are – what they really believe.
These people that “Amen!” and Like your posts.. They are not your allies. They are not Real Christians. (And the very, very FEW that ARE, are certainly not wise Christians.) They are DOGS fighting DOGS. And you, oh foolish Christian, have joined the army of the dogs.
Our fight is not “the fight for the soul of our nation”. It’s not the fight against Socialism, Communism Marxism, racism, or any other “ism”. Its not the fight against the downfall of America. It’s not the fight against losing our rights and freedoms. Its not even the fight against the persecution of Christians.
It’s solely the fight for the souls of the elect! Anything else is a distraction, a waste, and direct rebellion against the Lord. You put on the armour of God and you fight WITH the sword of the Spirit – the word of God. Not FOR the sword. Not FOR the word of God. Not FOR Christianity. Not FOR the Bible. Not FOR Christian truths. Not FOR the gospel. We fight WITH the sword – the word – the gospel.
Stop fighting FOR God, and start fighting WITH His sword. Start fighting WITH His word, WITH the gospel. Stop fighting politics. Stop fighting FOR Christianity. And start winning souls. That is our fight.
To Israel God said, go into the promised land, and drive the inhabitants out. Go in and fight against the strong inhabitants, the giants! The spiritually wicked. And The Lord will fight for you.
Though it’s not against flesh and blood, likewise is our fight. We fight against giants. We fight against devils. We fight the angels who sinned, to cast them out and take their place. We fight against spiritual beings MUCH too strong for us. But like Israel, our Lord fights for us. We fight to make place for ourselves and for our brethren in the promised land. We fight to cast down those evil angels and to take their land, to drive them out!
It IS our time to fight. So fight! Fight, Israel! Fight, Christians! Fight, my brethren! Fight, ye sons of God. Don’t be rebellious and choose to not fight the fight like Israel did! Don’t repent when you see war and in your heart turn back again to Egypt like Israel would have.
Its easy to fight flesh and blood. And maybe that’s why you’ve chosen to fight against wicked flesh, rather than fight against wicked spirits.
It IS time to fight. Be not rebellious.
It IS time to fight. But the fight is not against flesh and blood, neither is it fought with men’s hands, or men’s weapons, or even with men’s minds. It is fought with spiritual armour, and spiritual weapons, and a spiritual mind, against a spiritual foe.
Our fight is to win souls WITH the word of God.
That is our battle, and it IS TIME to fight! Its time to grow up, put on our armour, pick up the sword, and fight. Because the battle is almost over. And the end is coming quickly.
Please hear me: Politics is not the fight! Left vs Right, Red vs Blue, Capitalism vs Communism, Law and Order vs Anarchy is not the fight. It doesn’t matter one tiny little bit to God.
If you’re fighting politics, you’re fighting the wrong fight.
But I know that you won’t listen. I know that you’ll continue to fight politics. Just remember that I warned you. When you stand before the Lord and He asks why you chose to leave His fight, to fight with the dogs… To leave the gospel, to serve mankind, to leave the spiritual, to fight the carnal… Remember that I warned you. So fight on! But as your Pastor, as one that must give account for your souls, I am clean.
Jan 31 2021
The Election Count – Part 12
Downloadable Word document:
The Election Count – Part 12
The Election Count – Part 12
I see you fighting… but I don’t see you giving anyone THAT on Facebook, or Twitter or SnapChat. How many posts have you posted? How many of them talked about God or Jesus? A lot of them, you say? So what? Lost people talk about God all the time! How many people have liked your posts and said “Amen” and “praise God” and “glory to Jesus” in response to them? A lot, you say? Well.. so WHAT!!?! You think you’re serving God because you get “Amens” from “Christians”? The false prophets and false brethren do the same things! Raphael Warnock did the same thing. You haven’t done a thing to serve the Lord. I say.. you’ve worked against Him. What??? How?? I’ll say it again..
If you’re arguing politics instead of preaching the Gospel, you’re working against the Lord.
If you’re talking about God without preaching the Gospel, you’re working against the Lord.
I’m sure you feel real good about how you’re fighting, and striving, and standing up for “God” on social media. But how many people have been SAVED by your posts on social media? How many people have read your posts and then prayed a sinner’s prayer of repentance? How many have read your posts and were born again? How many heard some Bible truth that shocked them, and opened their eyes after reading your posts? How many went digging in their Bibles for the truth, after they read one of your posts? How many followers of yours have received eternal life from your social media posts? I would wager.. none! You’re not winning souls on social media. You’re not winning souls by arguing politics.
How many people have changed their minds about their political views because of your posts? Any? Some? A few, you say? Well.. So WHAT!?! That does NOTHING for the Lord. But how many people have repented of their WORKS, and believed the gospel from your posts? I’d wager.. exactly ZERO.
I’d bet you’ve never won a single person to the Lord with all your politically charged posts, all your wise observations, all your faith-based, God-centered posts, with all your verse-of-the-days and Scripture snippets, and all your righteous indignation against the liberal elites, in all of your most fervent and creative and wise rebukes against the “radical left”. In all these things, I’d bet you haven’t won a single person to Jesus. I’d bet you’ve never had a single person see your posts and ASK you how to get saved.
Have you ever posted our 5-minute Salvation Plan video? Have you ever posted any salvation plan?
If you did, are you certain was it good salvation doctrine? Or was it something you saw that someone else posted, and it sounded pretty good, it touched you, and so you reposted it? But were you 100% sure of the doctrine? 100% sure that the source was not a false prophet? 100% sure there was no leaven of works – repenting of sins? 100% sure that it contained the complete gospel such that whoever read your post would be able to get saved, with no confusion. If you did, was it only after you got them all pissed off and offended at you? Well how could they possibly get saved after that?
Proverbs 18:19 A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.
How can you make a brother out of him when you’ve offended him? You’ve lost a potential brother.
You say, “Oh, well a lot of my posts talk about God, and many even have Scripture!” Well… so WHAT?! The false prophets do the same. Satan can too! Satan will sling some verses at you. He’ll make you feel real silly, look real hypocritical and unrighteous, with some of the verses he will throw at you.
No matter how many Scripture phrases you throw in there and aim them at men like a loaded cannon, calling them “ungodly”, “evil doers”, “hypocrites”, “reprobates”, talking about how these liberals are “double minded” and “unstable in all their ways”, rebuking them as “being filled with all unrighteousness”, and how “professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”, how they “became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened”, condemning their gay pride saying “God gave them up unto vile affections”, and reproving those disgusting, cross-dressing, transgender queens saying they “dishonour their own bodies between themselves”, saying how messed up they are because “God gave them over to a reprobate mind”, saying how “they know not God”, and they are “without hope, and without God in the world”. Telling them how you know it’s the end times because the Bible says “the love of many shall wax cold” and “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse” and that is talking about YOU, you stinking, rotting, godless liberal!
This is how you fight, isn’t it?
Fire away. Sling away. Keep slinging those verses – casting those stones, ye that are without sin.
This is all Bible wording. Its all true. But you aren’t just and righteous to use God’s word to attack and rail on the lost. To sling these phrases at them as stones. That’s not why these things are written.
Those horrible accusations that are written in the Bible (many in Romans 1-2) are written for a reason. But they are not written for you to use as ammo in your politically charged fighting against wicked men. So you ask, “Well, if not for shaming my enemies, why are these things written?”
These things are written that ALL may know that they are guilty. That YOU may know that YOU are guilty.
Romans 2:1-3 Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. … 3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
You are just as inexcusable as the wicked persons you despise.
We all do the SAME THINGS. And YOU are no better.
If you show them all these things that are written, but they don’t understand that YOU KNOW that YOU are NOT EXCUSABLE, that YOU are THE SAME vile creature that they are, who does THE SAME THINGS, then you are “handling the word of God deceitfully”. You are NOT serving the Lord.
Those horrible accusations are written that all men may know that they are guilty.
These horrible things were written about YOU, you prideful Christian.
But if they hear these things, but yet don’t hear the gospel from you, none of those horrible accusations will help anyone. And if you sling all these things at them, and yet you don’t put yourself in the same abominable boat, and give them the gospel, all you’ve encouraged them to do is repent of their SINS, to clean up their lives. And if they do, well now … they naturally, think they are saved, clean, a good Christian. Because you told them about all the bad things they were doing and now they’ve repented of them, cleaned them selves all up. But now, they aren’t clean are they? Not by the blood of the lamb! No, now they are MORE LOST than they were before you came along. You’ve confused them, deceived them, blinded them.
You’re no different than Raphael Warnock!
No matter how much you beat them on the head with Christianity and proclaim, “Well you’re not really acting like a Christian because Jesus said love your neighbor and if you don’t blah blah blah, you’re just not very Christian! You’re just not a true loving Christian if you don’t… wear a mask to protect others. You’re just not a true follower of Christ if you don’t stand against racial injustice! You just don’t understand the love of Jesus if you support abortions! You’re just don’t understand Christianity if you don’t stand for the death penalty!”
No one who is arguing like this has ANY CLUE what it means to “love your neighbor”. No one fighting on social media has any clue what it means to “follow Jesus”. No one has any clue what it means to “fight the good fight of faith.” None of them has any clue what the true fight of a Christian is.
And since this is exactly what YOU are doing on social media, you must not either. You do the same things, and you fight the same way. You’ve become just like the dogs. Fight, fight, fight politically! … but of course throw some Scripture in when it suits you. Forget the new man, let me put on the flesh, let me put on the dog. Let me get some sharp teeth. And let me fight!
Please understand me: God does not need you to highlight the good and the evil in this world. God does not need you to publicize racism and injustice. To fight for goodness and justice, and to fight against evil and injustices. (What do we wrestle against? Spiritual wickedness!)
Please understand me: God does not want you involved in politics. Some of you still disagree. But at this point, if you disagree, I just don’t know what else I can show you. But I also don’t know what you could possibly show me. Because fighting politically is just not in there in the NT for us Christians. You’re simply, wilfully, choosing to harden your heart. You’re simply willfully choosing to feed your flesh instead of feeding your spirit, and the poor and hungry souls of men. You’re simply being stubborn and rebellious. You STILL think you should argue politics? Show me the verses! Show me a Christian in the New Testament concerned with politics. Show me a NT epistle that tells us to fight against flesh and blood, to argue politics, to fight for justice, or to stand up for what is right and fair in this world. Show me where it says we are supposed to fight to ensure that people have good jobs, and crimeless streets, or that our countrymen not oppressed, or that they have inalienable rights that are not infringed. Or show me where it is your job to just bash and shame people with the Bible. Its just not there! I assure you, this is not godly. Politics is not for Christians!
I don’t know what else I can show you. But if you want to stand before the Lord at your judgment, and explain to Him how you believe you were right to be involved in politics, go ahead. But I’ve warned you. As your Pastor, as one that must give account for your souls, I am clean.
Please understand. Please hear my warning: People don’t get saved this way. People don’t repent this way. You’re kicking against the pricks. You’re beating the air with your fists. You’re wasting your precious time. You’re wasting the wisdom that has been given to you. You’re wasting the living water, the spiritual food that the Lord has entrusted to you to feed the hungry souls. You’re forsaking the spiritual, to strive for the carnal.
And why? Because it feels SO good! It’s an itch that you just have to scratch!
Why? Because its easy. Why? Because men won’t HATE YOU for it. Some will, But some will support you, love you. They love fighters!
But you go and spell out the gospel on social media. You go and give KJV Scripture and lay out the gospel. Or you go and post the 5-minute gospel presentation we have. Give the link on every post you post. THEN see how much support you get. See how much love you get. See how many Likes you get. See how many Followers you keep. Go and preach to all these friends / allies of yours on Facebook, the ones that THINK they are real Christians, and tell them they are deceived, that they DON’T understand the gospel, and that really they’re on the wide and broad path heading to the Lake of Fire. Then see how many “Amens” and “praise Jesus’” you get. I bet it will be as NOTHING in comparison to what you are getting now.
But then.. that’s exactly why you haven’t done that, isn’t it? Because you’re scared to fight the real fight. Because you’d be hated by all mankind. You’d be hated by both sides. Because you wouldn’t like striving that way. You wouldn’t enjoy Facebook and Twitter anymore if it was all against you.
OR maybe you haven’t done that because you know you wouldn’t be able to do it so easily. Because then you’d have to understand your Bible, instead of understanding the economy, or politics, or the law, or American history. Then you’d have to know your Bible intimately, and be able to answer questions in peace and love, instead of just slinging a few verses at these “stupid liberals” in your anger!
Maybe because you wouldn’t be able to answer the hard questions, or to resist wasting your time fighting against the mockers, instead of finding the sheep.
Maybe you still just don’t agree with me. Maybe you think you ARE in fact “letting your light shine”. Maybe you think people are really getting a hold of your Christianity, and understanding your gospel message as you Retweet godly and inspirational posts, and share your verse-of-the-day, and call for love and unity, and trusting in God in this time of division. Maybe you think you’re doing the right thing simply because so many “Christians” are supporting you. Giving you comments, and Likes, and retweets, and “Amens”! So you must be doing right, when you obviously have so much “Christian” support.
Maybe THAT is your REAL problem. Maybe THAT is part of why you are still fighting carnally. Maybe you’re just having a really hard time seeing through this world’s “Christianity”.
You just don’t understand how FEW of these people who are on your side politically, and claim to be Christians, and talk about following Jesus, and the love of God, and loving their neighbors, and even talk about “the gospel”, and “repenting”, and being “saved”, being “born again” … how few! Few! FEW! … of them are Real Christians. Very, very FEW of them really understand the gospel.
You’d know that if you knew how to prove them with hard questions.
But you don’t… Instead, you see a post about God and you think, well this person must be a “Christian”. You see a post about Christ coming back soon, and the antichrist being revealed and you think, “I’d sure like to hit the Follow button on this person, maybe get a beer with this “Christian””. You must have a lot in common. You repost something about how important it is to “love your neighbor”, and you think, God must be so pleased that you took a stand for Him… of course He is… all your “Christian” friends are! You get into a heated argument, and all your “Christian” supporters come out and support your arguments, and help you fight. You sign a petition to defend the Constitution against the radical socialists, and you and all your “Christian” allies sign it, share it, and pray together that it will be blessed and successful. You attend a Make America Great Again rally and its like a sea of like-minded “Christian” brothers and sisters. You see a “Christian” flag waving in the crowd and you just know, that there is my ally, my brother in Christ, my fellow soldier in this fight! Maybe THIS is your problem, you just don’t see through their sheep’s clothing: that so very, very FEW of them are REAL Christians.
But I see it. I’ve proved them. I’ve been talking to a lot of supposed “Christians” for a while now. My father has for much longer. We can both assure you that the large majority of claiming “Christians”, no matter what they proclaim to be or claim to have done, are NOT Real Christians. These are NOT your allies. They are not your Christian brothers and sisters.
Maybe that is your problem. Maybe that is why you are fighting carnally. Because you think so many “Christians” are fighting with you. Because you think you must be amongst the ranks of the army of God. Maybe you need to start talking to them like we do. Start asking them hard questions to prove them. Start searching for their fruit and pulling the water out of the depths of their hearts to see what they really are – what they really believe.
These people that “Amen!” and Like your posts.. They are not your allies. They are not Real Christians. (And the very, very FEW that ARE, are certainly not wise Christians.) They are DOGS fighting DOGS. And you, oh foolish Christian, have joined the army of the dogs.
Our fight is not “the fight for the soul of our nation”. It’s not the fight against Socialism, Communism Marxism, racism, or any other “ism”. Its not the fight against the downfall of America. It’s not the fight against losing our rights and freedoms. Its not even the fight against the persecution of Christians.
It’s solely the fight for the souls of the elect! Anything else is a distraction, a waste, and direct rebellion against the Lord. You put on the armour of God and you fight WITH the sword of the Spirit – the word of God. Not FOR the sword. Not FOR the word of God. Not FOR Christianity. Not FOR the Bible. Not FOR Christian truths. Not FOR the gospel. We fight WITH the sword – the word – the gospel.
Stop fighting FOR God, and start fighting WITH His sword. Start fighting WITH His word, WITH the gospel. Stop fighting politics. Stop fighting FOR Christianity. And start winning souls. That is our fight.
To Israel God said, go into the promised land, and drive the inhabitants out. Go in and fight against the strong inhabitants, the giants! The spiritually wicked. And The Lord will fight for you.
Though it’s not against flesh and blood, likewise is our fight. We fight against giants. We fight against devils. We fight the angels who sinned, to cast them out and take their place. We fight against spiritual beings MUCH too strong for us. But like Israel, our Lord fights for us. We fight to make place for ourselves and for our brethren in the promised land. We fight to cast down those evil angels and to take their land, to drive them out!
It IS our time to fight. So fight! Fight, Israel! Fight, Christians! Fight, my brethren! Fight, ye sons of God. Don’t be rebellious and choose to not fight the fight like Israel did! Don’t repent when you see war and in your heart turn back again to Egypt like Israel would have.
Its easy to fight flesh and blood. And maybe that’s why you’ve chosen to fight against wicked flesh, rather than fight against wicked spirits.
It IS time to fight. Be not rebellious.
It IS time to fight. But the fight is not against flesh and blood, neither is it fought with men’s hands, or men’s weapons, or even with men’s minds. It is fought with spiritual armour, and spiritual weapons, and a spiritual mind, against a spiritual foe.
Our fight is to win souls WITH the word of God.
That is our battle, and it IS TIME to fight! Its time to grow up, put on our armour, pick up the sword, and fight. Because the battle is almost over. And the end is coming quickly.
Please hear me: Politics is not the fight! Left vs Right, Red vs Blue, Capitalism vs Communism, Law and Order vs Anarchy is not the fight. It doesn’t matter one tiny little bit to God.
If you’re fighting politics, you’re fighting the wrong fight.
But I know that you won’t listen. I know that you’ll continue to fight politics. Just remember that I warned you. When you stand before the Lord and He asks why you chose to leave His fight, to fight with the dogs… To leave the gospel, to serve mankind, to leave the spiritual, to fight the carnal… Remember that I warned you. So fight on! But as your Pastor, as one that must give account for your souls, I am clean.
By Pastor • Christian Life • 0